My Approach
My approach to therapy is rooted in the belief that we heal in relationships where we feel understood, accepted, and supported. I take the time to cultivate a deep relationship where you feel heard and seen. I aim to establish a foundation of trust, collaboration, and empathy, providing you with a space to land softly and begin unraveling the complexities of your life.
Through our partnership, I will gently guide your exploration of self, delving into the roots of your concerns, thoughts, emotions, and persistent patterns. I use nonjudgmental curiosity and reflections to challenge you to reevaluate your perspectives and behaviors, particularly those that no longer serve your true desires and needs. As such, I help my clients identify, acknowledge, and explore unconscious urges and conflicts and address the fears that get in their way. I encourage my clients to align with what they genuinely want and discard what no longer works for them. Ultimately, I aim to empower you to rediscover and realign with your true essence and live authentically.
While we go on this journey, I may teach you various coping strategies to manage your anxieties and moods. These strategies serve as valuable tools to support your ongoing exploration and quest to gain a deeper understanding of you.
Theoretical Tools
I adopt an integrative approach, drawing from a spectrum of theories to understand each client's unique concerns and circumstances. Doing so allows me to create a treatment plan that is truly personalized to my client’s specific needs and goals.
Psychodynamic Therapy and Multicultural Psychology are at the core of my practice. These approaches provide me with a foundation to explore and understand how past experiences, relationships, and familial and cultural norms and expectations influenced who you are today. From this solid base, we can untangle what keeps you stuck and navigate toward a path of healing and growth.
Additionally, I incorporate Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and other approaches. These theories provide valuable tools to examine one's thinking and behavior, improve communication skills, and navigate challenges effectively.
Recognizing the significance of spirituality, culture, and the broader sociopolitical context within which we live, I ensure these elements are integrated into my work with clients. This holistic approach allows us to address individual concerns, broader influences, and societal factors that can impact one's well-being. In essence, my approach to therapy is flexible, embracing a diverse range of theories and perspectives to provide comprehensive support that resonates with each client's unique journey.
I invite you to explore this website to learn more about me and how I may help you.